
“Wait Patiently”

This past weekend I had the honor of leading a memorial service for a man named John Kaufman. John was deeply loved by his family and friends and left quite a legacy for those who had the pleasure of knowing him.

For the last nine years of his life, John suffered from a disease called frontotemporal dementia. Even though FTD slowly limited him physically, John’s heart and love of life will always be remembered.

The night before his passing his wife Sharon wrote “Wait Patently” and has allowed me to share this with you. I have read this a number of times and it always reminds me of just how precious this life really is. Enjoy this reading and John; I look forward to playing tennis with you one day in eternity.

God Bless,


“Wait Patiently”


Sharon Kaufman

Wait Patiently, My Love,

it is not yet time for me to go.

I know it has been hard to watch me suffer,

and you’d rather release me than to think

of the agony I am experiencing.

This dying process is part of life.

It hasn’t just begun in the past several days;

it’s been going on since the day I was born; however,

you are so much more aware now because

these days are the final ones.

Wait Patiently, My Love,

it is not yet time for me to go.

There is much preparation going on

that we don’t see.

My body is slowly turning out the lights,

one area at a time,

but my spirit is building in strength.

There is preparation going on in the heavenlies also.

We cannot see it but my spirit says it is so.

They are preparing a place for me, and

just as with building our home, they are working

on the finishing touches.

Wait Patiently, My Love,

it is not yet time for me to go.

I await a visit from the Author and Perfector of us all.

When I was born, He breathed the breath of life into me;

when He comes for me now, I will exhale

my spirit and finally be free.

Wait Patiently, My Love,

It is not yet time for me to go.

It is the third watch and dawn will come shortly.


  1. Hi Mike,

    Amazing poem. It brought me to tears. Thank you for asking Sharon to share her beautiful words with us.
