
3 Loves: Passion for God

Passion can make us do some crazy things. Passion for sports can make a grown man remove his shirt, paint his chest and yell at the top of his lungs in the dead of winter. Passion for work can cause one to work well into the night as she pursues a better way of life. Passion for another causes many to stand in front of their family and friends and pledge their lives to each other. But what does Passion for Jesus look like?
At times I have seen people try to express Passion for Jesus in the aforementioned ways but this often seems awkward and misplaced. So how should we show Passion for Jesus?

This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, we are starting a new series entitled: The 3 Loves. On Sunday, we are going to take a look at the first of these three loves: Passion for Jesus. Join us Sunday at 10:30a as we begin this new series together.


Thoughts on Acts 4

·      The movement of God will disturb those who long for control. (1)
·      This will cause some will try to stop, capture, and imprison the ones who share the hope of Jesus. (3)
·      This will not work.  God has a way for working around our attempts for control. (4)
·      Power of God is not found in a position or title.  It is found in simply in Jesus.  And He is available to all. (12)
·      It is amazing what God can do with the ordinary. The presence of God brings courage. (13)
·      People can tell when you when you have been with Jesus.  It shows. (13)
·      Beware of back room conversations. (17)
·      You will have difficult decisions to make in life.  There are times when you will have to choose between obeying God or man.  Choose God.  (20)
·      Our first response in moments of fear should be prayer (24)
·      Trust in His strength and faithfulness, not your own ability. (24)
·      Those who love power will appose God. (27)
·      Move forward with boldness in times of struggle.  Don’t be afraid.  You are not alone. (29).
·      The presence of God brings courage. (31)
·      The presence of God brings generosity.  It loosens our grip on this world. (32)


Thoughts on Nehemiah 2

·      Sometimes you have to let your vision/reality gap bother you.  Let your heart be troubled (1)
·      Sometimes you have to wait. (1)
·      Prepare and plan. (1)
·      Changing a person’s heart is not your job.  Only God can do this.  Don’t manipulate (1)
·      If you are real with others you may be hurt.  It is worth the risk (2)
·      Honor those who in authority over you.  Even if you disagree.  (3)
·      Share your burdens with others.  Real community is priceless (4)
·      Pray in the middle of defining moments.  (4)
·      When it comes to your vision be humble enough to ask for help.  Be gracious enough to receive it.  (5)
·      Make it real: make sure you have everything you need to start you vision.  (6)
·      Faith is not a synonym for disorder.  Have a plan (6)
·      Your vision will threaten others.  This is normal.  Expect that people will throw stones. (10)
·      Look carefully at your challenge.  Don’t be discouraged. (16)
·      Include others. (17)
·      Trust God when others mock you.  Move forward. (20)


Extraordinary: Prayer

I am a doer.  When faced with a challenge in life my first thought is usually, How can I fix this?  Often I spend countless hours thinking, working, and wrestling with possible solutions when I am finally reminded that I don’t have to face life’s challenges alone.  It is in these moments that I am reminded to pray. 

This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry we are continuing our series entitled: Extraordinary by looking at this discipline of prayer.  In Acts 4:23-31, many in the church were threatened because of their belief in Jesus and some even faced the challenge of imprisonment.  It was in these moments that the church prayed together as their first response. 

On Sunday we will look at how extraordinary moments often happen in life when we make the time to pray.  Join us Sunday as we continue our series: Extraordinary!



There are times in life when circumstances call for more than the ordinary. Moments when the needs of life are greater than what we can handle on our own, it is in these moments that we need something extraordinary.

Last week was one of those weeks for me personally. On Friday my mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 Ovarian Cancer. It has truly taken a week for this to begin to set in but as we move forward it is becoming clear that we are going to need something more than the ordinary.  

None of us like to be in need but it is often in these moments of life that God comes through in extraordinary ways. In Acts Chapter 3, we see God moving in an extraordinary way that heals the feet of a lame man as Peter shares the message of Jesus to many people who were watching.
This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, we are starting a new series entitled: Extraordinary. On Sunday we will be looking at how God at times can heal in extraordinary ways. Personally this has been a message of hope for my family and I trust that it will be for you as well.

Join us Sunday as we look beyond the ordinary.


Connecting Through Weakness

"Connecting Through Weakness" is a weekend message I preached at Crossroads Church in Cranberry. A growing faith community in the north hills of Pittsburgh, PA.