
10 Ideas to Break the 65 Barrier by Nelson Searcy

Over the past 16 years God has allowed me to serve in ministries that have grown.  Some have moved quickly and others have taken a little more time.  Though most of my experience has been in the American mega-church over the past few months I have started to learn a little more about ministry growth in smaller congregations and church plants.  Here are some thoughts from a audio lesson entitled: Breaking the 65 Barrier by Nelson Searcy.  You can find more from Nelson here: http://www.churchleaderinsights.com/index.php/

If you are leading a smaller church, ministry or multi-site campus I would strongly encourage you to check out these 10 thoughts and move ahead!

1.    Define Reality
a.    Look over the past monthly attendance
                                                                                   i.     Children and Adults
                                                                                 ii.     Focus on Adult attendance
b.    Look for trends
c.     This could let you know you know where you are.
d.    “The first role of a leader is to define reality.” The Art of Leadership Max Dupree

2.    Grow Yourself
a.    Maybe you put the lid on the church.
b.    “No organization rises higher than its leader.” John Maxwell
c.     If your heart for God and leadership are not growing than you are holding the church back.
d.  You must always be growing!

3.    Make Space for your church to grow
a.    Do you have enough good seats for your church to grow?
b.    70% rule
                                                                                   i.     If you fill more than 70% of your seats you will struggle to grow.
                                                                                 ii.     It could also be a children’s issue or parking lot issue.
4.    Cast a Vision for Growth.
a.    When was the last time you spent a day away with God and asked God for a vision for your church?
b.    Are you sharing this vision with others or the benefits of this vision?
c.     Why should this church grow?
d.    Develop a list of a 100 reasons why your church should grow.
                                                                                   i.     When you know the why almost any what is possible.
e.    Transitioning: by Dan Southerling

5.    Tough Conversations
a.    Boarder Bullies
                                                                                   i.     Some people will stand in the way of change.
b.    You may need to have some hard conversations.
c.     It hurts but some people will leave.

6.    Personally Mentor New Leaders
a.    Pick 5 people that will help lead the church.
b.    Invest in them and help people grow.    

7.    Focus on Sunday Service
a.    When are you finished with your sermon?
b.    Make Sunday a priority.
c.     Grow in your preaching.
d.    Plan a preaching calendar.
e.    Re-evaluate your worship services.
f.      Work on transitions in your service.

8.    Break the 65 barrier with a special sermon series.
a.    Do this with and intentional series.
b.    Use this to break other barriers.
c.     Example:  “40 Days of Purpose”

9.    Go Full-Time
a.    Pastor
b.    Full-Time worship leader is the next hire.
c.     You will never have enough staff.
d.    Staff yourself for the next level!
                                                                                   i.     Staff yourself like a church of 125

10. Think 125
a.    Think like a church that is twice your size!
b.    Look at churches that are just one or two steps ahead of us.
c.     Put some resources in growth learning.
d.    Set a goal to break the barrier!

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