
Video: 7 Deadly Sins "Lust"

Every one of us wrestles with sin on some level. Whether it is something overt like a propensity toward road rage or something hidden like an addiction to pornography, we all sin in life.

In the late 6th century Pope Gregory the Great introduced the world to a list of 7 deadly sins: Pride, envy, anger, slothfulness, greed, gluttony and lust. Left unnoticed, Gregory believed these sins could destroy the heart and soul of man.

7 Deadly Sins is a small group series I created for Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. I hope this lesson will spark thought and insight in your life as well.

7 Deady Sins:Lust from Mike Arnold on Vimeo.


Video: 7 Deadly Sins "Envy"

Every one of us wrestles with sin on some level. Whether it is something overt like a propensity toward road rage or something hidden like an addiction to pornography, we all sin in life.

In the late 6th century Pope Gregory the Great introduced the world to a list of 7 Deadly Sins: pride, envy, anger, slothfulness, greed, gluttony and lust. Left unnoticed, Gregory believed these sins could destroy the heart and soul of man.

7 Deadly Sins is a small group series I created for Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. I hope this lesson will spark thought and insight in your life as well.

Open up
In what ways are you blessed today?  How are greed and envy alike?  How are they different?  (Greed puts things before God and envy puts things between us and other people.)  Can you think of a time when you were envious of some else?  How did this affect you?  How did it affect your relationship?

Dig In
Read Exodus 20:17, Titus 3:3, Galatians 5:19-21, and proverbs 23:17
·      What do these texts say about envy?
·      Why do you think God takes envy so seriously?
·      Is envy a gateway to other sins?  Which ones?
·      Read Proverbs 14:30: Have you ever experienced this in your life?

Live Out
·      What can you do this week to avoid envy?
·      How can you change your perspective from looking at what you don’t have to seeing what you do have today?
·      Is there someone who you need to confess the sin of envy to in your life?


Video: 7 Deadly Sins "Greed"

Every one of us wrestles with sin on some level. Whether it is something overt like a propensity toward road rage or something hidden like an addiction to pornography, we all sin in life.

In the late 6th century Pope Gregory the Great introduced the world to a list of 7 Deadly Sins: pride, envy, anger, slothfulness, greed, gluttony and lust. Left unnoticed, Gregory believed these sins could destroy the heart and soul of man.

7 Deadly Sins is a small group series I created for Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. I hope this lesson will spark thought and insight in your life as well.

Opening up
In what way do you struggle with greed?  Why do we want more?  What possession would be the hardest for you to give up?  What is the difference between enjoying an item and worshiping it?  Where is the line crossed?  How often do you worry about money?

Dig In
Read Philippians 4:10-13. 
·      Think about a time when you were in need.  Think about a time when you had plenty.  What was the difference in your disposition?
·      What is the key to Paul’s contentment in life?
·      Has there ever been a time when you have been in need and felt contentment in God?
·      How would your life be different if you solely found your contentment in Christ?
·      Read Philippians 4:13 again.  How can you practically live in the strength of God?

Live it Out
Jesus once said, “It is better to give than to receive.”  One of the best ways to address the sin of greed is to switch your focus from taking to giving.
·      What is one way you could give this week?
·      Is there something you were going to purchase this week that you don’t really need?  Can you delay this for a couple of weeks and use the resources to bless someone else?
·      Paul gave everything he had to advance the message of Jesus Christ.  In what ways should we give to do the same?

Hasn't Science Disproved Christianity?

I remember talking with a friend who told me that he would like to believe in Jesus but that he was just “too good a thinker” to take a blind leap of faith.  “I believe in science,” he said “and cannot believe in something that does not have any evidence to back it up.” 

This week we will be continuing our series entitled: Hurdles: Reasons for taking leap of Faith and addressing the question; Hasn’t Science Disproved Christianity. 

This week we will be hearing from Pastor R.J. Scherba.  RJ holds a PHD from Vanderbilt University in Organic and Biochemistry.  She has 15 years experience as a scientist that includes bio-medical research at Indiana University and service as the chair of the chemistry department at Bethany College.  

In addition to this, R.J. has earned a Masters of Transformational Leadership from Bethel Seminary and currently serves as the Network Pastor at Crossroads Church.

I know this will be a great weekend at Crossroads Cranberry and one you won’t want to miss.  Hope to see you Sunday.

God Bless,

Pastor Mike


90 Days: Joshua 15:1-Judges 3:27

·      Scripture is set in history.  These are real stories, real people, and real places.  It is not a fairy tale. (Joshua 15)
·      If your daughter is beautiful, men will go to war for her. (Joshua 15)
·      When God blesses, there is plenty for everybody. (Joshua 16)
·      Conquering is the easy part.  The real work is building the community. (Joshua 18)
·      Build systems of grace.  Freely give others a second chance. (Joshua 20)
·      The Lord keeps his promises.  He is faithful. (Joshua 21)
·      “Love the Lord you God, walk in obedience to him, keep his commands, hold fast to him, serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.” (Joshua 22)
·      Do not expect the worst of others.  Listen first. Be slow to anger, slow to react.  (Joshua 22)
·      If we obey Him, the Lord will fight for us. (Joshua 23)
·      God is the hero. (Joshua 23)
·      Do not turn away from Him. (Joshua 23)
·      Remember the story of what God has done for you.  Tell it to you children. (Joshua 24)
·      What are your foreign gods?  Throw them away. (Joshua 24)
·      Joshua did well.  What a great leader. (Joshua 24)
·      The Lord will not break his promises.  We are the variable not him. (Judges 2)
·      Pass on what you know to the next generation.  These transitions are critical. (Judges 2)
·      The faithfulness of one person can cover the sin of many. (Judges 2)
·      Conflict will make you stronger if you trust God. (Judges 3)


Video: The Plan

Everyone knows what it feels like to gain and lose hope in life. The plan is a look at how a small group of people can inspire hope in others. It is my goal to spark thought and discussion for those who watch it. Enjoy. This is a small group series I created for North Way Christian Community in Pittsburgh, PA. 

Discuss this quote from Margaret Mead:  “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world.  Indeed, that is the only thin that ever has.” 
·      How has history been changed by a small group of people?
·      Think back over your life.  How have seemingly insignificant moments at the time made significant impacts in your life?
·      Is there an area of focus that God is leading you to in your life? 

Hurdles: How Can There Be Only One Way?

·      Is it fair to have only one way to God? 
·      What about good people who don’t believe in Jesus? 
·      What about people who never have a chance to hear about Jesus? 
·      Are they going to hell because they never had the chance to hear? 
 These are questions that many of us wrestle with and at times can be the very Hurdles that keep us from God.  This week we will be continuing our series entitled Hurdles: Reasons for Taking a Leap of Faith. 

Join us this Sunday at Crossroad Cranberry as we address one of the most difficult questions to faith and look at how Jesus’ response should motivate our lives. 

God Bless,
Pastor Mike


Sharing Hope

Everyone knows what it feels like to gain and lose hope in life. Sharing hope is a challenge for all whom have found hope in Christ to share it with others through acts of kindness and service. It is my goal to spark thought and discussion for those who watch it. Enjoy. This is a small group series I created for North Way Christian Community in Pittsburgh, PA.

Discussion 1
Read 1 Peter 3:15-17
·      Think of a time in your life when someone asked you why you lived differently.  How did you respond? 
·      What happened in that moment?  How did this exchange feel for you?

Discussion 2
Read Hebrews 6:10-12
·      When was the last time you have shown God love by loving His people?  Describe the experience.
·      How did these experiences help build your faith or make your hope sure?
·      Why don’t we actively pursue more of these serving opportunities in our lives?

Discussion 3
·      Take some time to think about a possible “Hope Project.”
·      Do you have a personal contact that may need some assistance?  Like and elderly neighbor or family in need?
·      Is there an area of need that someone else could help you with?
·      Is there an area of need that is specific passion for you?  Elderly, abandoned children, homeless?

·      Pray that God will give you an opportunity to share hope with those in contact with you this week. 
·      Pray for courage to share hope in love.


Finding Hope

Everyone knows what it feels like to gain and lose hope in life.  Finding hope is a look at how we can ultimately find our hope in a relationship with our creator. It is my goal to spark thought and discussion for those who watch it. Enjoy. This is a small group series I created for North Way Christian Community in Pittsburgh, PA.

Discussion 1
Read Psalms 130 and 131
·      When was the last time you were reminded that you were not ultimately in control?
·      How did you react?
·      Share a moment in your life when you had to wait on the Lord like in Psalm 130.
·      What happened?  Are you still waiting?
·      When is the last time you quieted your soul?  Describe the experience.

Discussion 2
Read Romans 5:1-8
·      How does this understanding of Christ’s love for us give us hope?
·      When has someone done something for you when you did not deserve it?  Hoe did you react?
·      What is the role of the Holy Spirit in this passage?  Where is our hope placed in this passage?

Discussion 3
Read 2 Corinthians 3:7-18
·      In what ways are followers of Jesus called to be bold?
·      How can you better reflect to Lord’s glory this week?
·      How can you continue to be transformed into his likeness?

·      Confess the areas of your life where you have not reflected the glory of God.  Ask for forgiveness.
·      Ask God to transform a specific area of your life that needs to be changed.
·      Ask God to reveal a person this week with whom you can share the hope of Christ.

Chase Your Dream

Never forget how far we've come.  Keep this dream moving forward.


Video: The Search for Hope

Everyone knows what it feels like to gain and lose hope in life. The search for hope is a look at how we as people need to have a source of hope in our life and will spend our lives searching for hope if we do not have it. It is my goal to spark thought and discussion for those who watch it. Enjoy. This is a small group series I created for North Way Christian Community in Pittsburgh, PA.

  The Search for Hope from Mike Arnold on Vimeo.

Opening Thought:
What is the first thing that comes to you min when you thing about Hope?  Are there any images?  Famous movie scenes? Books you’ve read?  Personal experiences?  What symbolizes hope for you?

Discussion 1
Read through the lament of Job in chapter 6:1-11
·      Describe a time in your life when you were full of hope.
·      How would you describe the status of Job’s hope?
o   What lead to this?
·      Describe a time in your life when you have lost hope.
o   Would Job’s lament ever describe your life?  Have you written or felt something similar? 

Discussion 2
Read Hebrews 11:1
·      What is the difference between this hope and the hope of Job?  Where is this hope placed?
Look through Hebrews 11:4-38
·      What are some of the amazing thing the ancients di with this hope?
·      Have you ever witnessed the type of hope in action?  Describe.
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-18
·      Have you ever experienced the felling of “outwardly wasting way” while “inwardly being renewed?”  Why do you think this happens?
·      How can you fix your eyes on the things that are eternal this week?



All of us have it, want it or need more of it. Money is a look at what scripture says about our stuff and its place in our life. This was a mid-week message I preached at Merge the Young Adult ministry of Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, NV.

Money from Mike Arnold on Vimeo.


All of us face hurdles in life.  Challenges we push through, jump over, or move around in order to accomplish our goals.  Faith in many ways is no different.  Many of us from time to time have questions or doubts about God, the church, or even our belief.  This weekend we will be starting a new series entitled, Hurdles: Reasons for Taking a Leap of Faith.  Over the next few weeks we will be looking at some of the most challenging questions to our faith. 

Questions like:         How could a good God allow suffering?
How can there be only one way?
Hasn’t science disproved Christianity?

Join us this weekend at Crossroads Cranberry as we take some time to look at the book of Habakkuk and ask the question: “How could a good God allow suffering?”

I know this will be a relevant weekend to everyone of us and I look forward to seeing you on Sunday.



Close to God

There are times when God seems distant, those moments in life when we don't sense His presence.  “Close to God” is a reminder that now matter the circumstances of life God is always near.  This is a part of weekend message I preached at The Chapel in Akron, OH.


"I Stand at the Door" by Sam Shoemaker

I stand by the door.
I neither go to far in, nor stay to far out.
The door is the most important door in the world -
It is the door through which men walk when they find God.
There is no use my going way inside and staying there,
When so many are still outside and they, as much as I,
Crave to know where the door is.
And all that so many ever find
Is only the wall where the door ought to be.
They creep along the wall like blind men,
With outstretched, groping hands,
Feeling for a door, knowing there must be a door,
Yet they never find it.
So I stand by the door.

The most tremendous thing in the world
Is for men to find that door - the door to God.
The most important thing that any man can do
Is to take hold of one of those blind, groping hands
And put it on the latch - the latch that only clicks
And opens to the man's own touch.

Men die outside the door, as starving beggars die
On cold nights in cruel cities in the dead of winter.
Die for want of what is within their grasp.
They live on the other side of it - live because they have not found it.

Nothing else matters compared to helping them find it,
And open it, and walk in, and find Him.
So I stand by the door.

Go in great saints; go all the way in -
Go way down into the cavernous cellars,
And way up into the spacious attics.
It is a vast, roomy house, this house where God is.
Go into the deepest of hidden casements,
Of withdrawal, of silence, of sainthood.
Some must inhabit those inner rooms
And know the depths and heights of God,
And call outside to the rest of us how wonderful it is.
Sometimes I take a deeper look in.
Sometimes venture in a little farther,
But my place seems closer to the opening.
So I stand by the door.

There is another reason why I stand there.
Some people get part way in and become afraid
Lest God and the zeal of His house devour them;
For God is so very great and asks all of us.
And these people feel a cosmic claustrophobia
And want to get out. 'Let me out!' they cry.
And the people way inside only terrify them more.
Somebody must be by the door to tell them that they are spoiled.
For the old life, they have seen too much:
One taste of God and nothing but God will do any more.
Somebody must be watching for the frightened
Who seek to sneak out just where they came in,
To tell them how much better it is inside.
The people too far in do not see how near these are
To leaving - preoccupied with the wonder of it all.
Somebody must watch for those who have entered the door
But would like to run away. So for them too,
I stand by the door.

I admire the people who go way in.
But I wish they would not forget how it was
Before they got in. Then they would be able to help
The people who have not yet even found the door.
Or the people who want to run away again from God.
You can go in too deeply and stay in too long
And forget the people outside the door.
As for me, I shall take my old accustomed place,
Near enough to God to hear Him and know He is there,
But not so far from men as not to hear them,
And remember they are there too.

Where? Outside the door -
Thousands of them. Millions of them.
But - more important for me -
One of them, two of them, ten of them.
Whose hands I am intended to put on the latch.
So I shall stand by the door and wait
For those who seek it.

'I had rather be a door-keeper
So I stand by the

Audio: "Come Home"

There are times in life that it feels like we are far from home. Far from those that know us, far from those we love. No matter how far we are from our physical home we scripture says that God our father is always with us and always there to welcome us back to Him. This is a mid-week message I preached while serving at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Come Home from Michael P Arnold on Vimeo.

Video: A Christ Like Home

The word family evokes a wide range of responses. For some of us, our families are a great source of comfort for others they are a source of pain. In this message we look at God's plan for the family and how we are created to live within the family. This is a mid-week message I preached while serving at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada.

A Christ Like Home from Mike Arnold on Vimeo.


Out of the Grind

Sometimes in life things can feel like a grind but it is often in these moments that God teaches us the most. This is a Mid-Week message I preached at Central Christian Church in Las Vegas, Nevada. Great Church. Great People.

Out of the Grind from Mike Arnold on Vimeo.


. . .Connected

Earlier this week we lost the internet connection at the church office.  For hours I tried to figure out what was going on with our connection.  I talked with a service rep, unplugged and plugged every piece of equipment and eventually discovered the problem.  One of the things that became very apparent to me was just how paralyzed and in effective I was without my office internet connection.

This weekend we will be looking at the value of being connected.  What was true at the office is also true in our spiritual lives as well.  Faith has always been intended to be lived out in community.  We are creatures that are created to be connected. 

This weekend at Crossroads Cranberry we will be looking at the value of real and trustworthy connections in our local church community.  I would encourage you to take a few moments to read and think about Ephesians 4:1-13 as we prepare for the weekend.  I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday.

God Bless,

Pastor Mike


Video: Community

This is a small group/devotional series that I created for the launch of a new church community in Pittsburgh, PA.  I hope these insights spark thought in your life as well.  God bless.

Open Up
  1. What is the greatest obstacle in your life to forming true and meaningful connections with other people?
  2. Why is it important to for these real and authentic connections with others?  Why is community important?
  3. What are some ways that your church helps form these connections?

Dig In
In this video Mike says that “faith is meant to be lived in community.”  Where do you see examples of this in Scripture?

Read John 13:34  What does Christ mean when he says, “Love one another as I have loved you?”  What does this look like in modern-day community?

Read Matthew 22:34-40  Who is your neighbor in these verses?  What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?  What would modern church look like if we truly mastered these commands?

Living Out
  1. How can you share love with others better this week?
  2. What are some practical ways you can develop community this week?
  3. How can you foster this in your faith community?


Video: Stolen identity “Child of God”

This is a small group/devotional series I created a couple of years ago while working in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I hope it sparks thoughts and conversation in your lives as well. Enjoy.

Open Up
1.    Have you ever experienced the “wildness” of the West?
2.    Followers of Jesus are often considered anything but wild?  In fact many people consider the Christian life boring.  How were the lives of Jesus and those around him wild or radical?  In what other ways do you see God being “wild” in Scripture?
3.    Does your view of your identity limit or expand the possibilities of your life?

Digging In
1 John 3:1-2:  Who are your parents?  How have the shaped your identity?  How does it change your perspective on your daily life when you consider yourself a child of the king?

1 John 3:6 What does this passage mean?  Does God expect us to live perfect lives?

1 John 3:9-10 How should being a child of God affect the way we live our lives?  How does the way you live your life reflect on your eternal Father?

Living Out
1.    What would you do if your were the child of the president, the son of a world leader or daughter of a king?  What can you do to make a difference as a child or God?
2.    In what way is it freeing to place your identity solely in God?
3.    How can you live our your faith in a wild way this week?  What frightens you when you think of this?


Video: Stolen Identity "What makes you . . . you?"

 This is a small group/devotional series I created a couple of years ago while working in Las Vegas, Nevada.  I hope it sparks thoughts and conversation in your lives as well. Enjoy.

Opening Up
1.    What in your life battles for your identity? (Can you give examples?)
2.    What were you the most proud of back in high school?  Does it really matter now?  Did it really matter back then?
3.    Do you remember who won the Oscar for best Actor in 2000?  Do you know who is the present prime minster of Canada is? D you remember what team won the World Series in 2001?  Can you name the five richest people on earth today?  Who won Mr. Universe in 2003?

Fame, power, sports, wealth beauty, intelligence—these are things that many of us use to build our identity.  They often seem important, but do they really matter in the end?

Digging In
Read Luke 18:18-30.  What is happening in this text?

Luke 18:22 Jesus tells those he is talking with to sell everything they own and give it away?  Does this apply to us today?  Why do you think Jesus asked the rich young ruler to do this?

Luke 18:23 “When he heard this he became very sad, because he was a man of great wealth.  We become upset when we lose the things that seem to hold our identity.  What part of you would you find difficult or upsetting if Jesus asked you to strip it away?

Luke 18:24-27 “Why is it hard for the rich to get into heaven?  How do other kinds of success prevent you from focusing on God?

Luke 18:28-30 “We can del with losing the external aspects of success.  What do you think about losing those closest to you to pursue God?

Living Out
1.    What does it look like for you to place your identity in Jesus?
2.    How can this decision give you more peace in life?  How could it be more challenging?
3.    How can others help you keep this commitment?