
Video: Community

This is a small group/devotional series that I created for the launch of a new church community in Pittsburgh, PA.  I hope these insights spark thought in your life as well.  God bless.

Open Up
  1. What is the greatest obstacle in your life to forming true and meaningful connections with other people?
  2. Why is it important to for these real and authentic connections with others?  Why is community important?
  3. What are some ways that your church helps form these connections?

Dig In
In this video Mike says that “faith is meant to be lived in community.”  Where do you see examples of this in Scripture?

Read John 13:34  What does Christ mean when he says, “Love one another as I have loved you?”  What does this look like in modern-day community?

Read Matthew 22:34-40  Who is your neighbor in these verses?  What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?  What would modern church look like if we truly mastered these commands?

Living Out
  1. How can you share love with others better this week?
  2. What are some practical ways you can develop community this week?
  3. How can you foster this in your faith community?

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