
The System is Broken

This is excerpt from the book Linchpin by Seth Godin. Seth has a very interesting way at looking at life. I hope this causes you to think a little today.

The system we grew up with is a mess. It’s falling apart at the seams and a lot of people I care about are in pain because the things we thought would work don’t. Every day I meet people who have so much to give but have been bullied enough or frightened enough to hold it back. The have become victims, pawns in a senseless system that uses them up and undervalues them.

It’s time to stop complying with the system and draw your own map. Stop settling for what’s good enough and start creating art that matters. Stop asking what’s in it for you and start giving gifts that change people. Then, and only then, will you have achieved your potential.

Here’s the deal our parents signed us up for:

Our world is full of factories. Factories that make widgets and insurance and Web sites, factories that make movies and take care of sick people and answer the telephone. These factories need workers.

If you learn to be one of these workers, if you pay attention in school, follow instructions, show up on time, and try hard, we will take care of you. You won’t have to be brilliant or creative or take big risks.

We will pay you a lot of money, give you health insurance, and offer you job security. We will cherish you, or at the very least, take care of you.

It’s a pretty seductive bargain.

But in the face of competition and technology, the bargain has fallen apart.

Now. . . think.

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