
Devotion to God

There is a certain tension in spring.  It is the tension between warm and cold; sun and rain; death and life.  There is the hopeful glimpse of what is to come and the painful reminder that we are just not there yet.  We see it when snow rests on a budding flower.  Tension is the nature of spring. 

We also experience tension in the moments of life just before we learn to thrive. 

There is the physical tension of exercise and diet that must be endured if we going are to thrive physically. 

There is the time and effort that must be given to others, if we are going to thrive relationally. 

There is the pursuit of God; time in is word, life in community, and focus in worship if that must be given if we want to thrive spiritually. 

And in all of these situations we need devotion in order to grow.  We need devotion in order to truly thrive. 

This week we are finishing our series entitled, Thrive by looking at the importance of our personal devotion to God.   Sunday we will be studying Luke 19:28-44, the Triumphal Entry of Jesus.  Take a few moments to read this over and join us Sunday as we gather at Crossroads Church in Cranberry to explore this incredible story together.

God Bless,

Pastor Mike

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