
Handing Off

This morning I started a personal reading plan of the book of John. It is often in times of transition that I find it comforting to get close to the words of Jesus. Today I was reading in John chapter 1 and noticed and interesting section of the text. I am going to call it: “the hand off.”

“The next day John was there again with two of his disciples. When he saw Jesus passing by, he said, “Look the Lamb of God!” When the two disciples heard him say this, they followed Jesus. (John 1:35-37)

As I read this passage this morning I wondered what it might have felt like to be John the Baptist. These men were his disciples, his students, his followers but in a moment they were gone. They were done following him and now following Jesus. In a moment a hand off had occurred.

As I pondered this passage it reminded me of life today. In reality we are always “handing off.” Currently I have two little girls under my roof. In many ways they are mine. They listen to me (sometimes), they love me, the follow me. But one day I will hand them off. It is my hope that when they go they choose to follow Jesus.

For the last 14 years I have worked in full-time ministry. It has been my life’s work to point people to Jesus. I have always deeply enjoyed and loved the people that I have had the honor to serve and care for but in the end I have always had to hand them off.

As I enter another season of life and I am excited to see what God will do next.

This life has been an incredible adventure and I know that God will bring my family and I to something better than we could imagine. But mixed into this season is the sadness of handing dear friends off. However, as I let go of those I have journeyed with over the past four years I know that I am not leaving them alone but rather I am handing them off to the master.

1 comment:

  1. remember what jesus said about the man who handed them off
