
GLS: Closing Session By Bill Hybels

·      Matthew 16:18  “I will build my church and the gates of hell with not prevail against it!”
·      “The local church is the hope of the world.”
o   For the first 18 years of my life the church was hopeless. 
o   In college is started to become hopeful for the church.
§  Vision moves us forward.
§  People live for vision and people die for it!
§  The local church is the hope of the world.
·      Jesus Christ is the only one that can deeply impact and change the heart of man. 
·      Will the local church, the hope of the world be able to sustain itself until the end of time?
o   Confidence is in Christ. He is the builder of church.
o   This is the only thing that God is doing!  He is building the church! 
o   Will you join the savior of the world in helping Him build the local church?
o   How could you do anything else when God taps you on the shoulder! 
o   Every follow of Jesus should wake up excited about serving the church!  It is the hope of the world.

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