
Uncharted Waters

There are times in our lives when God moves us into the unknown.  There are seasons when he breaks up the ordinary to move us into the new. 

These times can be invigorating or terrifying, but is often in these moments that we know that God is near.  It is also in these moments that we can get a glimpse of His power. 

In Mark 8:35-41 Jesus and his disciples are traveling into uncharted waters.  To be honest, they knew those waters well.  But when a storm hit, it changed everything.

This wasn’t a passing rain shower.  It was a storm so strong that seasoned fishermen feared for their lives.  But where was Jesus?  He was sleeping.  Resting on a cushion on the front of the boat. 

When the disciples woke him they asked: “Teacher don’t you care if we die?”  It was at this moment that Jesus got up and said: “Quiet! Be still!” and the ocean responded with immediate calm.

“Why are you so afraid?” said Jesus.  Do you have no faith?” 

Currently, I am floating in a time of uncharted waters.  Many of my close friends are struggling through great storms in life.  Erik just found out two weeks ago that his 12-year-old daughter is terminally ill.  Jim is praying as his mother struggles through stage-four pancreatic cancer.  Steve, my senior pastor, is recovering from an emergency double bi-pass surgery and a heart condition that almost took his life on Saturday.

And this week we float into uncharted waters as a church with our first public service at Crossroads Church in Cranberry.

It is in these moments of the unknown that I find comfort in the words of Jesus: “Quiet.  Be Still.  Why are you afraid, Mike?  The one who calmed the ocean is by your side.  Move courageously into those uncharted waters.”

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