
3 Loves: Passion for God

Passion can make us do some crazy things. Passion for sports can make a grown man remove his shirt, paint his chest and yell at the top of his lungs in the dead of winter. Passion for work can cause one to work well into the night as she pursues a better way of life. Passion for another causes many to stand in front of their family and friends and pledge their lives to each other. But what does Passion for Jesus look like?
At times I have seen people try to express Passion for Jesus in the aforementioned ways but this often seems awkward and misplaced. So how should we show Passion for Jesus?

This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, we are starting a new series entitled: The 3 Loves. On Sunday, we are going to take a look at the first of these three loves: Passion for Jesus. Join us Sunday at 10:30a as we begin this new series together.

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