
The Leadership Pocket

A couple of weeks ago I was studying the character of Joshua for a weekend message at Crossroads Church.  There are many things about the life of Joshua that impress me, but the part of Joshua’s life and character that impressed me most was his ability to stay in the leadership pocket. 

In the game of football all good quarterbacks must learn to perform in the pocket.  The pocket is a small space of limited protection provided by the QB’s offensive linemen. 

In the pocket, the QB has choices.  He can throw the ball, hand the ball to a running back or even choose to run with the ball himself.  In short, if a QB is going to lead his team well, he needs to learn how to perform effectively and consistently in the pocket.  There will be chaos all around, but a good QB knows how to focus and function in the pocket.

The same is true for a good leader in the church.   For church leaders, the pocket  is what I like to call the “leadership pocket” and it is that delicate and remarkable balance and space that exists between following Jesus and leading others. 

There is a leadership pocket in every heart.  In order to be an effective leader in this world, we must learn how to “live in” that pocket.  Joshua spent a lifetime learning how to stay in the pocket.  That place where he learned how to be quiet  and humble enough to listen and trust the voice of God, yet strong and courageous enough to lead others. 

How are you at staying in the pocket?  Do you get ahead of God?  Do you try to lead him?  Take some time to find that pocket and spend some time there this week.

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