
The Lost Art of Blessing Others

One lesson that emerged to me as I have been reading through Scripture over the past weeks is the importance of blessing others that are coming behind us.

Every human being needs blessing. 

This is most clearly seen in the life of Jacob.  In Genesis 27 Jacob longed for the blessing of Isaac (his father) so much that he stole it from his brother Esau.    In Genesis 29 Jacob searched for blessing in the beauty of his wife Rachel.  Finally in Genesis 32 Jacob wrestled with God.  During that event, Jacob refused to let go until God gave him a blessing.  It is in that moment that Jacob’s life changed.  The search for his blessing was over. 

As I read through those pages, it reminded me of the importance of passing on blessing to others. 

If you are a parent and you do not pass on blessing to your children they will search for it in many other places. 

If you are an employer and you do not bless your employees they will leave you and search for blessing in other places of work. 

If you have friends that you never bless they will never be truly close.

Every human being needs blessing.

Jacob understood.  That is why at the end of his life he passed his blessing on to his sons.  In Genesis 49 we read about the blessings he gives to each of his 12 sons. 

This week I encourage you to bless those who are coming behind you. 

Take your daughter out on a date this weekend and tell her how beautiful she really is.   When I do this with my daughters I can visibly see their cup being filled. 

Take and employee out for lunch and tell them what they do well.  God has blessed them. Remind them of the talents that He has given them. 

Finally, thank the Lord for the blessing of today.  I am aware that I am so blessed that my problems would be considered a blessing to many others.  Thank Him for what he has given you today.

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