
Upside Down: Wherever you go!

I remember the weekend after my college graduation very well.  For 5 years (Yes, I crammed 4-years of college into 5!), I had been connected to a group of people and suddenly they were gone!  Before graduation, I landed a job painting a professor’s house and after each of my friends left, I stayed to get the job done.  As I walked around the campus, I had this incredible feeling of loneliness knowing that I would probably not see many of my friends again. 

There’s something in our human nature that wants to stay where great things are happening.  It’s fulfilling to be where God is working, and it’s natural to want to stay right there.  However, it is the nature of the Spirit of God to scatter us.

This weekend at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, we are starting a new series entitled: Upside Down.  On Sunday we will be looking at Acts chapter 8 and how God broke up the comfortable followers of Jesus in Jerusalem so they could scatter and share the gospel with others.  It is often in these moments that we feel the pain of walking into the unknown but as we will see on Sunday this at times is exactly where God wants us to be!

Join us Sunday and bring a friend as we kick off our new Series!  Upside Down!


Movement: Sacrifice

“Movement: Sacrifice” is a weekend message I preached at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, a growing church in the north hills of Pittsburgh, PA. In this message we look Acts chapter 6 and the sacrifice we are all called to when we follow Jesus.


Movement: Extraordinary Faithfulness

This weekend we will take a moment to remember all of those who have served our country so faithfully.  Memorial Day is the day we remember and honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice so that we can live free.   It is true that faithfulness in anything always requires sacrifice.

This Sunday at Crossroads Church in Cranberry, we will be continuing our journey through the book of Acts by looking at the extraordinary faithfulness of Steven in Acts 6:8-15.   In this passage, we see that Jesus honors the sacrifices we make today much in the same way that he honored Steven. 

Join us Sunday as we continue to look at the “Movement” that we are part of today.


5 Functions of the Church Leader:

1.    Apostle:  Focuses on the future by creating new expressions of faith communities.
2.    Prophet:  Speaks to what is next.  Can see what is coming and share it with others in a meaningful way.  Inspires others to reach for the vision.
3.    Evangelist:  Reaches out to those outside of the community.  Has a gift to relate, invite, and start spiritual conversations with those outside of the community of faith.
4.    Pastor:  Takes care of those in the community.  Likes to stay with a community for a long period of time.  Excels at care, leadership development and long-term relationship development.
5.    Teacher:  Communicates the scripture.  Can exegete the text and communicate it today. 

If you are serving as a leader in the local church what is your strength?  How are you compensating for the functions that you cannot fill? 


Baggage: Addiction

"Baggage: Addiction" is a weekend message I preached at Crossroads Church in Cranberry. A growing faith community in the north hills of Pittsburgh, PA.


Baggage: Anger

"Baggage: Anger" is a weekend message I preached at Crossroads Church in Cranberry. A growing faith community in the north hills of Pittsburgh, PA.